Saturday, September 12, 2015

Soft Apocalypse by Will McIntosh

10075553Genre: Post Apocalyptic

This was the second time I have read [Soft Apocalypse] by [Will McIntosh]. It was as good the second time. Now I usually do not read books twice because there are way too many books I want to read but since this is set in Savannah where I moved in July I figured I would read it again.

The idea that society collapses due to economics is not too far fetched. The eco terrorism may be a little harder to buy but still well within the realm of possibility. The message that as human we have good and bad but really never give up is a prevalent theme in this story. I recommend it to anyone looking for a thought provoking read.

Lowcountry Hurricanes by Walter Fraser, Jr.


Reading this book was like reading a shopping list. Except a shopping list may be more interesting. This book had lots of information but no narrative aspect. I think the author bit off more than he could chew covering such a large span of time.