Sunday, September 22, 2019

Burn It Down by K. Aten

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GENRE: Lesbian Fiction

This is a book about living with guilt and finding redemption. The characters were fully developed and complex. Plus, who can go wrong with hot, brooding, female firefighter. I love that Aten also used people of color in her books it is very refreshing. There is even a little crossover from Rules of the Road. If you have not read any of K. Aten's books you really need to.

Waking the Dreamer by K. Aten

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GENRE: Science Fiction, Lesbian Fiction

This book absolutely blew me away! The concepts of Dream Walkers working to fight a corrupt government was something I could only hope for right now. This book was an award winner at the 2019 GCLS and with good reason.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dreams by Serena J. Bishop

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GENRE: Lesbian Fiction, Romance

I absolutely loved this book and the integration of Native American beliefs. The idea of people being connected is something I really hope exists. Ms. Bishop did an amazing job of painting a scene and developing characters with complex dimensions. There were bumps and turns that just kept you wanting more of the story and cheering for the main characters.

Monsters (Christopher Wren #2) by Mike Grist

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GENRE: Thriller

I have yet to read something by Mr. Grist that I do not enjoy. He makes you think as he entertains you. With the character of Christopher Wren he has created an anti hero that we need in today's world. The evils that abound in society are enormous and Grist has to problem confronting them.