Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dark Luminance by E.M. McDowell

The beginning of [Dark Luminance] by [E.M. McDowell] made me feel like I was reading a science journal about quantum physics. Not something I would truly enjoy. It was like the about of detail [Tom Clancy] would put into describing the workings of a nuclear sub in his fiction works. As with Clancy's books a persevered and got through the tech stuff to the story.

The characters were not very well developed but the plot kept the action moving once you got past the beginning. I think as far as the setting went [McDowell] may have kept it purposely nondescript to give you the last feelings of his characters.

Overall I enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to the next. For older people like me I will make a pop culture reference about this book. "Oh boy."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Rebirth by Debbie Brown

[Rebirth] by[Debbie Brown] began with a quick pace that made it difficult for me to put down. The characters were authentic and you fell right in with their plight. The statement that was made about the youth being our hope could not have rung more true.

I would have liked to see more development and I am hoping she continues this story line. It had the potential to be wide read YA fiction given the current climate of the genre.

I have to try and find a paper version of this so I may add it to my classroom library.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

True Gold(Time in Yellowstone #2) by M.M. Justus

As a person who has researched the Klondike Gold Rush, especially women during it, I found this book very accurate in it portrayal of women in the Yukon. I had trouble putting this book down. [True Gold] by [M.M. Justus] should be read by all fans of historic fiction.

I really like how Justus develops her characters. They are very realistic and you can feel the emotions of them through the writing. The description of the setting transports you to the location of her stories.It is obvious Justus is familiar with both the history and geography of her locations.

I am looking forward to reading more in this series.

Repeating History(Time in Yellowstone) by M.M. Justus

[Repeating History] by [M.M. Justus] was an engaging trip through the wilds of Yellowstone. The point of view used gave a unique twist to the story that increased the readers engagement. The knowledge that Justus shows of Yellowstone is apparent throughout the books and allows the reader to feel they are actually there with the characters experiencing the story. 

I recommend this book to anyone who loves history, nature, or just a plain well told story. I am looking forward to reading [True Gold]

Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy by J.T. Lundy

[Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy] by [J.T. Lundy] was a fast paced, semi absurdist spy thriller. The very unlikely hero of Chris Thompson is seen as a typical everyman who wants excitement until he realizes what that may cost him.

The characters [Lundy] creates are entertaining as are the situations they get in. It made me laugh out loud but also think about a lot of things. A book that can be entertaining and thought provoking is truly a gem.

Realm Walkers:One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul

This book will be on my classroom shelf! I have also recommended it to my school's media specialist. The action and adventure of this book was topped of with a positive message. I will be looking for the second [Realm Walker] book.

Down at the End of the River by Angus Woodward

[Down at the End of the River] by [Angus Woodward] is a compilation of short stories, which usually are not the type of thing I like to read. I did enjoy these and if I did not know they were the same author I would have thought they were penned by many different people.

[Woodward] does an excellent job in creating characters and using those characters to drive the story. More than a few even caused me to feel the nervousness or anxiety of the characters.

I was disappointed that the setting of Louisiana was not highlighted more that it was just a passing reference. I believe the south has a character all it's own and could have added even more to the stories.

I know it has been awhile.

I know I have been greatly remiss in my blog. Sorry but sometimes I lack follow through.
Fortunately I have begun doing reviews for other sites, even if I feel my reviews are grossly in adequate but they are honest, so I figure I may as well post them here as well.