Sunday, October 1, 2017

When Love Wins (WeHo Book 0) by Sherryl D. Hancock

33547899GENRE: Lesbian Romance, Military
I stumbled upon this series through Kindle Unlimited. I managed to read all the author had out in the series in less than a week. Needless to say I really liked it.
Hancock creates characters that you really like and want to get to know. Not all authors can do this and the extent in which she managed this feat is incredible. It makes you wish you could meet and hang out with these incredible people. 
In this first book(Book 0) you get to meet two of these incredible characters, Shenin and Taylor. They meet in the Air Force during the time of "Don't ask, Don't tell." They are best friends but more develops. They have to fight the murky world of being career military and being your true self.
The way this issue is approached was flawless. In fact Hancock understands the military because she also broached the subject of fraternization between officer and enlisted. It was those little things that make this story genuine and a must read.

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