Saturday, November 25, 2017

Granite Mountain by Brendan McDonough


GENRE: Non-Fiction, Memoir

This book has been made into a movie. It is a true account from the one survivor and I recommend you read the book because I hate what Hollywood does to stories like this. These are real people not characters to over dramatize. Getting off my soapbox.

The book told what it really is like to be a wildland fire fighter and the brotherhood that exisits. The author Brendan McDonough had overcame alot to become a fire fighter. You get to see that these hero's have their own demons but still give their all.

I remember hearing about this tragedy when it happened and being very angry. Why were they there protecting property? Were lives worth that? Who dropped the ball with the weather reporting and communication? After reading this book I realize that alot of decisions were made by many people. I still feel this tragic accident could have been prevented but honor the men who died doing what they loved.

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